
Version 0.9 and Character Sheets

Here's the latest version. Notable changes include a re-written Magic User. I felt that I missed the mark on the draft that was in there before. There are also minor tweaks throughout.  I still a whole list of grammar and punctuation that need to be fixed. for v0.10. I will also fix the Druid, which is why I didn't include the character sheet in this upload.  Get version v0.09 HERE . Get character sheets HERE .

Character Sheets, the thing that will reveal all your flaws

For S&W Dark, one of my design goals was to create an alternative set of rules that would work with any existing OSR module/book/supplement. I thought I had it down, then I started making the character sheets.... I wanted to make the sheets informative as possible so that there was no need to open a rule book. In the process of laying out a first draft of the character sheets I started seeing cracks in my design. Seeing all the classes sheets in layout I started seeing how inconsistent some of my choices were. This was eye opening as I thought that I was pretty much done with the design portion. One positive of this was that seeing a snapshot of the classes helped quickly do some re-writes to create, what I believe, is a much more coherent set of rules.  My I hope to have the sheets up later today, but wanted to post a quick update on this.  In future projects I want to create a cheat sheet of sorts or detailed character sheets as a means of checking for cohesiveness and c...

Assassins killed my last revision...

When Covid hit, my work started ramping up to crazy levels and sadly this project was a casualty of that. It's long over due and I feel horrible about that, I had such high hopes. In my mind by this time I would have been working on Vol2 and a few other projects, but sadly that was not the case. The upside was that I was able to go back and see the project with fresh eyes. What I saw were some glaring mistakes I had made, so I recently finally used some PTO and took a few days off to work on this project. I focused on some clarifications and formatting for press (plus learning to use Affinity Publisher). I thought I had nailed this. Then I went back to work on a basic character sheet. "oh shit..." My goal for a character sheet was inspired by Powered by the Apocalypse games (Dungeon World, The Sword, The Crown and The Unspeakable Power, etc). I wanted something that was a one page sheet that could be used without the rule book as much as possible.  Once I started working ...

A Preview

This version does not include the inside and outside cover art along with the one page dungeon. The intent was to provide a preview copy that would be suitable for printing and use at the table without spoiling the one page dungeon and cut down the page count. Please report any corrections that might need to be made before the zine goes to press/DriveThru RRG. OLD, DO NOT USE: SEE NEWEST VERSION HERE here is the first preview copy, it's here for historical puroposes only and not meant to be used. S&W DARK PREVIEW